Série Les Indestinés – 1
Fabien Granet lives and works in Paris. Although he extracts most of his patterns from Brittany landscapes. Also he draws his questionings on the construction of the landscape from this raw material, which is offered by the infinite reality of nature.
The human thus envisages the landscape as a fragmentation, which he restores within the framework of an “open window on the world”. Therefore, humans consider landscape as a fragmentation, which they restore in the framework of a “window open to the world”. The artist distorts the fragments captured from reality. And he transforms them into a drawing in which the motif and the underlying geometric structure are mixed together.
In this mirage, reality is not so much transcribed as reconstructed. A poetry emerges from it, scandalized by disturbing geometric forms. From black or white, offered to the spectator as a space of freedom of interpretation and according to his personal experience. They offer a multiple reality, impermanent, in an exploration of timelessness that also underlies the work of video of the artist, made to the liking of moving sketches, seized on the spot. Which slide in an infinite horizon…
Série Les Indestinés – 1 – Fabien Granet | Text by Blandine Boucheix